29 January 2010

Supernatural News Digest: Good Read, Good Times, Supernatural

Now I know why we were taught how to read and write at school. Just saying...

Good read of the the week - Why ‘Supernatural’ Is Better Than You Think
Thanks to Twitter, an article was retweeted this morning and it's worth sharing. Tufts Daily has a new blog post about Supernatural. Full article here. Spread the Supernatural love!

Must bookmark this! - Winchester Gospel
Sablegreen from The Winchester Family Business wrote an AWESOME analysis on a few sources that inspire Eric Kripke to create the myth arc of Supernatural. Sablegreen looked at
John Milton's classic poem Paradise Lost, and the last book of the bible The Book of Revelation.
This is a must read for all Supernatural fans. I am definitely bookmarking this!


NEW interview with Sera Gamble
The super wonderful, always reliable and resourceful WinchesterBros.com has an exclusive interview with Sera Gamble. Beware of spoilers. Read it here!

As always, I have picked the one question and answer I am particularly interested in to discuss. Look away if you don't want know.

WinBros: The 100th episode! Congratulations! What can you tell us about the episode?

We want it to feel appropriately substantial. The most I can say right now is that it's about the Archangel Michael. It's the episode where a lot of building tensions you'll have watched over several episodes simmer over. Dean will behave in a way you've never seen before. So will Sam. So will Castiel. Actually, I'm particularly proud of where we take Sam in this episode. He has a kind of maturity in dealing with Dean that it took us a hundred episodes to earn.

Tiny: OK first of all, I am more than happy to see that the writers want this episode 'to feel appropriately substantial'. Some of the 100th episodes I've seen do not look like a 100th episode and they are weak. While I'd be happy to see a funny 100th birthday episode, I think going epic and sticking to the myth is the best way to go! So yeah!!

As for the Archangel Michael story in this episode, I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited about it. I don't want to spend too much time theorising the episode. But this episode will kick ass for sure! I guess perhaps for once, Sam may keep Dean in line and remind him not to give in and say yes to Michael. But that's my guess.

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