13 March 2011

Kripke to write Supernatural season 6 finale; Supernatural cast and crew on Twitter

HELL YEAH! Octocobra aside (whatever!), Kripke is going to write the season 6 finale. I cannot begin to tell you how excited I am to hear this. I've been waiting all season for this! I kept asking, when will Kripke write an episode this season?! When I grow up, I want to be Kripke. I love him!

If you follow Jim Beaver on Twitter, he has tweeted about it! not only Kripke will write for 6.22, Sera Gamble will write for 6.21.

PS.. For those who are new to Superatural, Twitter or Facebook, please note Jensen, Jared and Genevieve ARE NOT ON ANY SOCIAL MEDIA WEBSITES. If you see them there, they are FAKE! I cannot stress this enough, because J2 are very private and they are NOT on any social media websites. Almost the entire cast and some crew members are on Twitter but NOT Jensen, Jared and Genevieve. Get over it! The only time you can FaceTime and HugTime is at the Convention.

Supernatural cast and crew who are on Twitter and are real include: Misha Collins, Jim Beaver, Alona Tal, Guy Bee, Richard Speight Jr., Matt Cohen, Amy Gumenick, Colin Ford, Mark Sheppard, Sebastian Roché, Samantha Ferris, Rob Benedict, Traci Dinwiddie, Chad Lindberg, Aldis Hodge, AJ Buckley and Travis Wester. You can also follow the CW on Twitter. 

Other reliable sources include: Danneel Harris, Steve Carlson, Jason Manns and Clif Kosterman (Jensen and Jared's bodyguard).

1 comment:

  1. I think Julie McNiven twitter is also real


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