04 October 2009

Season premiers of Stargate Universe & Smallville; Glee

The verdict......

Stargate Universe was WOW. I wasn't happy to see Stargate Atlantis to go. What were they thinking?! But I always wanted to watch SGU, I was excited about the ninth chevron and the Ancient ship. They have some great materials to work with. Last night, finally I saw the series premier... GATEBALL ROCKS!

The show looks different, it's darker, it's serious, it's mature and it's more sophisticated. It looks like a different show, but it's not. It's like a different show but in a good way. If you haven't watched any previous Stargate series, I'd strongly recommend you to watch them. In my opinion, you have to watch the complete franchise. SG1 and SGA are some of my all time favorite TV shows.

Smallville was awesome. Not as awesome as SGU, however, the special effect looked amazing. I was happy to see the return of Lois. I think Tom Welling and Erica Durance have great chemistry. I think Erica Durance made an episode sometimes. Her presence made an episode watchable. I know we have Clark and Chloe but Lois is sooo awesome. Erica Durance is a great actress. If Jensen Ackles is the most underrated actor of his generation, then Erica Durance is the most underrated actress of her generation. I hope her talent will take her to places. Erica is the best Lois I've seen. When she is not in an episode, it's like there is something missing. I like her more than I like Lana.

Some Glee love... I love Glee! I love the music and the story and the characters. Not a single person who watches the show doesn't like the show. I think the show is quite inspirational. I wish I had a teacher like Mr Schuester when I was in high school. I was in this school musical thing, I was in public school and we were competing with private schools in a competition. Private schools always have more money to do stuff and we didn't have the money to buy pretty props etc.. We have talent, but we didn't have a leader to inspire us. We didn't believe in ourselves. We were kids, and we didn't know what to do. Our school didn't really support us. So anyway, the believing-in-yourself theme was really cool. It's timeless.

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