15 April 2009

Guest star for Episode 21

Remember Steven Williams' Rufus from Season 3? According to Matt Mitovich from TV Guide, Rufus is back.

"I remember the Supernatural producers saying last summer that we'd be seeing Steven Williams' Rufus this season — yet so far, nothing. Is that still happening? — Alexandra

MATT: In a word, sorta. The boys will hear from Rufus in Episode 21, which is titled "When the Levee Breaks" and airs May 7."


You may know Steven Williams from The X Files as Mr X.


  1. I am SO happy about this! When I read about it the other day I was like "YES!" but then realised we'll only be 'hearing' from him, still, it's something. I love Rufus, he's was awesome in TIOMS. Hopefully we might see a few more guest appearances of him next season. Can hardly wait for these last few episodes!

  2. Me too.. I like him in X Files too


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