05 June 2011

It's offical -- Jared Padalecki is on Twitter

I need my breakfast and coffee, but I need my #NashCon tweets too.

The best thing about #NashCon this weekend is that Jared Padalecki (yeah you know the tall one in Supernatural) announced he is officially on Twitter, he goes by the name @jarpad with 38,685 followers and counting! Most awesomely (if there is such word), he used Jensen as his Twitter profile pic!!! 

Jim and Clif had done a great job in telling fans Jared wasn't on Twitter before, but now that JARPAD is on Twitter, they can rest. All you FAKES can move over and get a life of your own than pretending to be the man.

Here is the video from the convention to verify his presence on Twitter.

Tweeple, please be nice to Jared on Twitter.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tiny!
    Even when its about new account on twitter you write so beautifuly!
    It was such an exiting day, yesterday I was the 3247th follower lol now he got 42000+ followers!
    Poor Misha I dont think he like it, after all twitter is his kindom ><
    Thanks for posting, LOVE your web!


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